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What to Know About Mercury Poisoning: Sources of Mercury, Signs of Mercury Poisoning, and More
What to Know About Mercury Poisoning: Sources of Mercury, Signs of Mercury Poisoning, and More
A lot of people think of tuna as a health food, and in some ways it is: it’s packed with protein, naturally sugar-free, and has a ton of important nutrients, like omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12. But despite all these benefits, it’s not something that you should eat all that often (or if you’re pregnant or have high mercury levels in your blood, perhaps not at all). Why? Because of its mercury content. Most of us have a general idea that too much mercury is bad, but what exactly does it do to your body, and how much is too much? Read on to learn the signs of mercury poisoning, the primary sources of mercury (including what fish is high in mercury besides tuna), options for mercury poisoning treatment, and more. 
What’s the Deal with Unhealthy Fats vs. Healthy Fats?
What’s the Deal with Unhealthy Fats vs. Healthy Fats?
If you’re over 30 years old, you likely remember the “low-fat” craze of the 90s. Fats were vilified, and consumers snapped up fat-free and low-fat products (which were chock full of sugars, processed ingredients, and chemicals, btw). In more recent years, we’ve come to learn that fats aren’t evil — in fact, they’re essential to the healthy function of your body. The important thing is to eat the right types of fat, which can be a bit confusing to figure out. We’ve got you covered with this brand new guide to fats. Read on to learn the difference between healthy fats and unhealthy fats, examples of healthy fats to use, the best cooking oils and worst cooking oils for your health, and more.
How to Identify a Food Sensitivity with a Food Elimination Diet
How to Identify a Food Sensitivity with a Food Elimination Diet
As we say often here at WellBe, the things you choose to put in your mouth have a bigger impact on your health than anything else. So if you’re experiencing mysterious symptoms or chronic issues and can’t figure out why, a food sensitivity could be the culprit. Of course, we all eat a huge variety of different foods each day, so figuring out the source of your symptoms can be tricky. Enter: elimination diets. Read on to learn the benefits of a food elimination diet, best practices for how to do an elimination diet, and even a basic template for your own elimination diet plan. 
How to Detox from Sugar: The Benefits of Cutting Out Sugar & Starting a Sugar Detox Plan
How to Detox from Sugar: The Benefits of Cutting Out Sugar & Starting a Sugar Detox Plan
We’re not going to fudge the truth (see what we did there?): sugar is delicious. There’s a reason desserts are called “treats,” after all. But consuming too much sugar has a ton of serious health repercussions — from inflammation to chronic disease to cancer — and the reality is that most Americans have too much sugar in their diet. Because of this, the idea of a “sugar detox” has gained popularity, but can following a sugar detox plan really improve your health? Read on to learn the benefits of cutting out sugar and how to detox from sugar safely.  
Is Grilling Healthy? It depends. The WellBe Guide to Safe Grilling
Is Grilling Healthy? It depends. The WellBe Guide to Safe Grilling
Nothing says innocent summer fun like throwing some meat on the grill and eating al fresco with friends and family. The only thing is — grilling isn’t actually so innocent after all. Yep, like that mosquito that keeps landing on your fruit salad, we’re here to put damper on your next summer bbq with some news about the serious health risks of grilling. But unlike that annoying mosquito, we’re going to make it better in the end, with smart tips to help you stay safe while still enjoying all the fun and deliciousness of grilling season.
How to Choose the Healthiest Eggs: Pasture-Raised Eggs, Free-Range, Cage-Free, and More
How to Choose the Healthiest Eggs: Pasture-Raised Eggs, Free-Range, Cage-Free, and More
Not all eggs are created equal. Similar to how a fetus is affected by the health and diet of its mother, the health and diet of a hen very much affects the quality of her eggs. If you're an egg eater, you'll agree that all the terms on egg cartons are confusing— how do you tell if you’re buying high- or low-quality eggs? We investigated to figure out which terms really affect our health— and which are totally nonsense. We also talked to Mark Kastel, the co-founder of The Cornucopia Institute, a farm policy research group, for the inside info on why hen health affects our health. Here’s our WellBe education on eggs. Ready? Go.