conventional healthcare & medications
Here you’ll find articles that are about or related to the field of conventional medicine, or Western medicine. Conventional medicine is the type of medicine that emerged after the Industrial Revolution and that is currently taught in mainstream medical schools and practiced in mainstream hospitals. It focuses on treatment of diseases and symptoms, rather than prevention of these issues. That treatment often involves pharmaceutical medications, surgery, or other invasive procedures.
At WellBe, we believe that integrative medicine is the best path to true wellness, which means taking a holistic approach that treats a whole person rather than symptoms, addressing the root cause of health issues, and prioritizing prevention rather than treatment. However, we know that conventional medicine can be truly miraculous and life-saving in certain situations. An integrative approach to health can include conventional medicine practices.
Read these articles to hear insights and stories about the conventional medical system, both good and bad.

MamaGlow Founder Latham Thomas on the Importance of Doula Services During Pregnancy and Birth

How Healing Works: Dr. Wayne Jonas Explains Sham Surgery, the Placebo Effect, and More

Dr. Robin Berzin Is Making Functional Medicine More Accessible with Parsley Health

How Do Psychedelics Work? Johns Hopkins Researcher Dr. Fred Barrett on the Success of PsychedelicTreatment

The WellBe Health Research & Wellness News Wrap-Up: Q2 2023

What Are the Best Sleep Aids for Your Health? (Plus the Long-Term Side Effects of Sleeping Pills)

I Cured My Fibromyalgia: How Kelli Tennant Found Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia