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How Repressed Feelings Harm Your Health + 7 Techniques for Releasing Emotions
How Repressed Feelings Harm Your Health + 7 Techniques for Releasing Emotions
Most of us probably don’t think of ourselves as someone who has lived through trauma like abuse, abandonment, or some kind of tragic accident. Yet the more we learn about the concept of “trauma,” the more scientists are beginning to understand that in early childhood, much more subtle events can cause trauma and affect your long-term chronic disease risk as well as your ability to heal symptoms in the short term. The craziest part is that we don’t even know about most of these traumas that have such a huge impact on our lives — or they’re buried so deep that our conscious minds can’t see how much they affect us. Thankfully, there are ways to pull them to the surface (as painful or uncomfortable as that may be), and then release them. Read on to learn how repressed feelings affect your health, proven techniques for releasing emotions, how to heal emotional trauma through EMDR trauma therapy, and more.
Does Prayer Work? The Healing Power of Prayer for Health Issues
Does Prayer Work? The Healing Power of Prayer for Health Issues
The umbrella of complementary and alternative medicine is large. Underneath it you’ll find everything from acupuncture to herbal tinctures to infrared therapy and beyond, all of which are founded upon deep tradition, robust research, or both. But one field of alternative medicine that’s been less studied and explored is that of prayer for physical healing. Given how many people pray for specific health outcomes, it’s quite notable how little is actually known about the healing power of prayer — but we do know some things. Read on to learn what the research says about prayer, spirituality and health. 
Natural Ways to Increase Fertility Backed by Science
Natural Ways to Increase Fertility Backed by Science
We recently announced some big news: WellBe’s founder Adrienne is pregnant! This is, of course, exciting and happy news, but it also reminded us of the fact that getting pregnant isn’t easy for many people. In fact, the National Fertility Association reports that more than 1 in 8 couples struggle with getting pregnant, and many of those people are at a loss as to how to improve fertility. So with Infertility Awareness week just behind us and Mother’s Day around the corner, we wanted to explore the huge topic of trying to get pregnant, and look at how to increase fertility naturally. Read on to the best natural fertility boosters, fertility-boosting foods, and more. 
How to Heal Leaky Gut: The Best Gut-Healing Diet and Foods to Heal Your Gut
How to Heal Leaky Gut: The Best Gut-Healing Diet and Foods to Heal Your Gut
You don’t have to spend much time learning about the human body to understand how central gut health is to every aspect of your well-being. It’s been firmly established that if you heal your gut, you can improve various important elements of your health, from immune function to mental health and many more. But one gut-related topic that’s less understood — though often talked about — is the phenomenon of leaky gut. Read on to learn about what this condition actually is and what causes it, how to heal leaky gut naturally, the best gut healing diet and foods to heal leaky gut, and more.
Choosing a Nutrition Expert: Should You See a Nutritionist, Nutrition Coach, Dietitian, or Health Coach?
Choosing a Nutrition Expert: Should You See a Nutritionist, Nutrition Coach, Dietitian, or Health Coach?
As many of us know, the buddy system shouldn’t be underestimated. It’s not that we don’t know what to do, it’s actually doing it that proves to be difficult. Food is so cultural and habitual. Undoing decades of habits (including eating dishes from places we’ve always loved) because of health concerns is a big task for someone to do alone. We looked into a few types of nutrition experts to help you find the person who will optimize your health. Is it a nutritionist? A registered dietitian? A health coach? Watch our guide video to learn more.