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Is Your Cortisol High? Symptoms of High Cortisol Levels & How to Lower Cortisol Naturally
Is Your Cortisol High? Symptoms of High Cortisol Levels & How to Lower Cortisol Naturally
Cortisol is one of the hormones that gets talked about the most in day-to-day life, especially in the wellness corners of the internet and social media platforms. If you’ve come across these conversations (or even if you haven’t), you likely know that high cortisol levels aren’t good, but there’s usually not more context given than that. How can you know if your cortisol levels are high, and what can you do about it? Read on to learn the symptoms of high cortisol levels, the various different causes of high cortisol, how to lower cortisol naturally, and more. 
Non-toxic Sunscreen Guide: Sunscreen Ingredients to Avoid and Natural Sunscreen Alternatives
Non-toxic Sunscreen Guide: Sunscreen Ingredients to Avoid and Natural Sunscreen Alternatives
There’s perhaps no piece of health (or life) advice more universally accepted than “wear sunscreen.” And yet, it’s actually a whole lot more complicated than that. Sure, sunscreen helps shield you against skin cancer and other harmful effects of the sun, but the truth is that not all sunscreens are created equal — and some might be seriously harmful to your health. In our newest video guide, WellBe investigates.
Healthy Coffee Creamer Alternatives (+ the 4 Worst Things to Put in Your Coffee)
Healthy Coffee Creamer Alternatives (+ the 4 Worst Things to Put in Your Coffee)
We love coffee, and chances are, so do you. The taste, the energy boost, the comforting ritual — there are a lot of reasons that coffee is an important part of many people’s daily life. But here’s the catch: not all coffee is created equal. In fact, the way some coffee is grown and processed can be harmful to both the environment and your health, and what you put in your coffee can also do damage to your health. The good news is that with the right knowledge, you can make informed decisions that let you have your morning cup without compromising your health or the planet. Read on to learn about the various coffee benefits and side effects, why non-dairy coffee creamer is so bad (plus healthy coffee creamer alternatives), the importance of buying organic coffee beans, and much more.