The WellBe Health Research & Wellness News Wrap-Up: April 2022

The WellBe Health Research & Wellness News Wrap-Up: April 2022

Welcome to the first health research and wellness news wrap-up of 2022, and the first one since Adrienne got back from maternity leave! 

When we began the year, it seemed like Covid was mostly in the rearview mirror, but then Omicron swept through the country and turned everything upside down. So needless to say, there’s some Covid coverage in the mix in this wrap-up — but also tons of other important pieces of health research and articles about wellness. After all, staying informed on the latest wellness news is one of the most powerful ways you can protect the health of yourself and your loved ones.

So without further ado, we present the 8 most important health and wellness news stories to know about in April 2022  (click to skip to one):

You can also listen to the wrap-up on The WellBe Podcast.

1. Taking Antibiotics Increases Your Risk of Colon Cancer

What: A new huge study found that taking antibiotics — especially for a long period of time — can significantly raise your risk of developing colon cancer later in life. 

The Details: In the study, researchers in Sweden looked at more than 40,000 cases of colon cancer, making this the largest epidemiological study to ever explore the link between cancer and antibiotics. They found not only compelling evidence for the link, but also identified precisely where these antibiotic-induced colon cancers emerge: the proximal colon, which is the part of the colon that connects the small intestine to the lower-right abdomen. According to their findings, those who took antibiotics for more than six months had the highest colon cancer risk — 17% higher than those who had taken no antibiotics — but even short courses of antibiotics carried an associated cancer risk. These findings align with past studies connecting antibiotic use with cancer.

Researchers have theories on the reasons for this link. Antibiotics disrupt the balance of bacteria in the microbiome, which may allow for infectious bugs (aka “bad bacteria”) to proliferate, which can ramp up inflammation, generating reactive chemicals that could damage DNA and cause tumors. This shift in bacteria can also make the gut lining more permeable, allowing bacteria to accumulate on the colon wall and form biofilms — which are associated with 90% of proximal colon cancers. 

Why This Matters for Your Health & Our Takeaway: While the researchers noted that these findings only point to correlation, not causation, they make sense given what we know about the impact antibiotics can have on the gut, and the role gut health plays in disease formation. We’re hopeful that this data will help rein in the overprescription of antibiotics, but in the meantime, we’re going to continue to avoid these medications whenever humanly possible (which also means buying organic, to avoid antibiotics in any meat or dairy we purchase), and wild (not farmed) fish.

2. Fish Oil Can Help Reduce Frequency and Intensity of Migraines

What: A recent NIH-funded study found that consuming a diet high in fish-derived fats and low in vegetable-derived fats was associated with reduced frequency and intensity of migraines among chronic migraine sufferers. 

The Details: The study included 182 chronic migraine sufferers who averaged more than 16 headache days per month and over five hours of migraine pain per headache day, and whose overall quality of life was greatly impacted by their migraines despite being on multiple medications. Researchers divided participants into three groups: the first ate a diet high in fatty fish or oils from fatty fish and low in vegetable oils; the second ate a diet high in both types of fat; and the third ate a diet low in fats from fish and high in vegetable oil, which most closely mimics the average American diet. Participants then monitored and recorded their migraines during the study period.

At the end of the study, researchers found that the diet high in fatty fish and low in vegetable oil produced a 30-40% reduction in total headache hours per day, severe headache hours per day, and overall headache days per month compared to the other groups. Their blood samples also had lower levels of pain-related lipids. This study corroborates and expands upon previous research that linked linoleic acid (found in vegetable oil) to inflammation in pain processing tissues and pathways associated with migraines. 

Why This Matters for Your Health & Our Takeaway: If you suffer from migraines, you know how debilitating and miserable they can be (and if you don’t, count yourself lucky!!). More than 4 million people worldwide have chronic migraines, and they’re particularly common among women aged 18-44. What’s more, currently available medications usually only offer partial relief and come with side effects that range from inconvenient to dangerous. This study offers hope that dietary changes can provide relief, and shows us, yet again, how much your food choices matter. For other ideas on natural ways to cure migraines, check out our guide

3. Epstein-Barr Virus Associated with Both MS and Long-Haul Covid

What: The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which causes glandular fever (aka mononucleosis aka “mono” or “the kissing disease”) has been in the news: new research suggests that it may be the biggest driver of multiple sclerosis (MS), and other research shows an association between reactivated EBV and long-haul Covid symptoms. Plus, one of the studies linking EBV to long-haul Covid also identified several other risk factors that might determine whether or not someone experiences long Covid symptoms. 

The Details: Harvard scientists tracked 10 million U.S. soldiers over the course of two decades, conducting blood tests every two years to determine if they had contracted EBV. Their results found that those who had EBV were 32 times — 32 times! — more likely to get MS than those who had not contracted the virus; no other infection appeared to raise MS risk. To unearth this link, researchers analyzed the soldiers’ levels of neurofilament light chain, which is a protein produced in the body when nerve damage occurs in the body and a hallmark of MS. They found that levels of neurofilament light chain only increased after EBV infection, which they say is nearly definitive evidence of a link between the two. 

A study published in the journal Pathogens looked at the connection between EBV and long Covid. They found that among the 30 patients (so not a huge study) with long-haul Covid symptoms, 67% were positive for EBV reactivation, compared with just 10% of the control group, who had contracted Covid but weren’t experiencing long-term symptoms. Most of us have dormant, harmless viruses in our body that we contracted years earlier, but some, like EBV, can be reactivated. This reactivation can happen because of stress, as well as a weakened immune system, both of which Covid-19 can cause. 

This study is one of several investigations into how latent viruses might contribute to long-haul Covid symptoms, including another that identified EBV alongside several other risk factors for long Covid. The study looked at 309 long-haul Covid patients and identified four risk factors, including reactivated EBV, type 2 diabetes, and the presence of Covid-19 in the blood, which indicates that the virus spread from the lungs to other parts of the body. The most common risk factor was the presence of certain autoantibodies, which are antibodies that mistakenly attack the body in autoimmune conditions like lupus. In the study, 60% of patients with long Covid had autoantibodies. Other studies have linked long Covid to asthma, advanced age, and unhealthy gut bacteria. 

Why This Matters for Your Health & Our Takeaway: The conditions we’re talking about here are serious. MS is a crippling illness that can leave you unable to walk, and affects 1 million Americans. Long Covid symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, and racing heart rate can be debilitating, and they afflict 10-30% of all Covid-19 patients, including young, previously healthy people with mild Covid cases.

So, these discoveries are important. Targeting EBV and other underlying viruses might help prevent MS from developing in people, and might even lead to the discovery of a cure. However, it’s important to note that more research is needed: about 90% of people worldwide get EBV, and most of them don’t end up with MS, so there are clearly other factors at play. 

In terms of Covid, the link between dormant viruses and long-haul Covid might help people finally get rid of their symptoms through vitamin C and zinc supplements, as well as antiviral medications (either natural or pharmaceutical). But most doctors aren’t regularly testing long Covid patients for reactivated viruses, so if you’re suffering, be sure to speak up and ask to be tested.

In general, all of these studies show just how seriously a virus can impact your health in the long-term, and how the best move is to avoid contracting viruses in the first place. That means keeping your immune system as strong as possible by getting rest, reducing stress, avoiding exposures to harmful toxins, and — above all — prioritizing gut health

4. New Research on Natural Covid Immunity + Suppressed Vaccine Data

What: New research shows that the natural immunity produced by contracting Covid is more effective at protecting people against the virus than vaccines, while suppressed CDC data on the effectiveness of Covid boosters for 18-49-year olds shows that the additional shots may not have been necessary for everyone in that age group. 

The Details: Throughout the pandemic, the CDC and NIH have called into question how effective natural immunity is at protecting people from Covid. They maintained this line despite evidence pointing to the power of natural immunity, including their own data: In January, the CDC released data from New York and California that showed natural immunity to be 2.8 times as effective in preventing hospitalization and 3.3-4.7 times as effective in preventing infection compared to vaccination. 

Still, the organization has downplayed the benefits of natural immunity and failed to conduct research into how long this immunity lasts. Spurred by this, researchers at Johns Hopkins conducted their own study, in which they found that nearly two years after infection, Covid antibodies were present in 99% of people who had contracted the virus. They also found that regardless of which variant people contracted, the antibodies protected them against Delta and Omicron; both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have significantly reduced effectiveness against these variants. This aligns with the findings of the largest study on the subject, out of Israel, which found that natural immunity was 27 times as effective as vaccinated immunity in preventing symptomatic illness. 

The CDC has also played up the need for booster shots for certain age groups. When it published data on the effectiveness of boosters in adults in early February, it left out numbers for those aged 18-49, a huge portion of the population. When they finally added that data, nearly two weeks later, it showed that this age group was already well-protected by their first two shots, and benefited the least from the booster. In explaining the reason for this omission, the CDC cited fear that the data would be misinterpreted (or dare we say interpreted correctly?), as well as bureaucratic roadblocks.

Why This Matters for Your Health & Our Takeaway: No matter what you think about the Covid vaccines, these findings underscore the fact that the government and big organizations aren’t always telling us the whole truth, and in this case the truth was being purposely withheld. It’s often essential to dig a little deeper to find the most authoritative, complete information. The findings on natural immunity also show just how amazing and smart the immune system is, and emphasize — once again — the importance of keeping it functioning at an optimal level and restoring it to greatness if it becomes compromised

5. Monsanto Accountability: Big Lawsuit Payout + Roundup Off the Market 

What: In two instances of Monsanto (now Monsanto-Bayer) being held accountable, the mammoth agricultural company was ordered to pay $185 million to three school teachers over alleged brain damage from PCBs, and promised to stop selling its glyphosate-based herbicides (which includes Roundup) to the residential market by 2023. 

The Details: Polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, are mixtures of chemical compounds manufactured by Monsanto that were used worldwide as coolants and lubricants in electrical equipment — until they were banned in 1979 because of the risks they pose to environmental and human health. However, PCBs can still be found in many commercial and industrial buildings around the world, and one of those was Sky Valley education center in Monroe, Washington. Three teachers who worked there alleged that they suffered brain damage from exposure to PCBs in the school’s fluorescent lighting, and sued Monsanto. This past summer, they were awarded $185 million in damages, a verdict with which Monsanto (shockingly!) disagrees. 

Glyphosate-based herbicides like Roundup pose a serious threat to human health, and we’ve written before about the struggle to hold Monsanto accountable for its repercussions (like when, in 2018, the company paid $289 million to a man who developed terminal non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma as a result of Roundup exposure). In a victory for advocates and consumers, Monsanto announced in July that it will end sales of all glyphosate-based herbicides in the U.S. residential market by 2023. The chemical will still be sold for agricultural purposes, but the Center for Food Safety is currently legally challenging the EPA with regard to the approval of glyphosate at all. The EPA has admitted that it made serious errors in its approval of glyphosate, but has not set any deadline for revisiting their decision to keep it legal for commercial farms (which is how nearly all of our food is grown!).  

Why This Matters for Your Health & Our Takeaway: These are two definitively positive pieces of news, as they prove that speaking up and advocating for your health can have an impact. Even enormously powerful companies like Monsanto aren’t immune from being held accountable. 

But still, there’s a long way to go, and you still need to stay informed to protect your health from chemicals like PCBs and glyphosate. A 2019 investigation found that millions of fluorescent lights containing PCBs remain in schools and daycare centers across the U.S., despite being banned, and this is startling given that PCBs have been associated with increased rates of many different kinds of cancer. And despite the end of residential glyphosate sales, Roundup will still be sold to large-scale agricultural operations, which means that farmworkers, consumers, and the environment remain at risk. 

So in addition to continuing to advocate for the complete removal of harmful chemicals from public spaces, we’re going to take action to protect our loved ones and our own health. In the case of these two chemicals, that means asking about the lights before enrolling any kids in schools or daycares (we realize it may be hard to get answers from them), and buying organic (aka herbicide- and pesticide-free) products whenever possible.

6. FDA Warns Against 3 Baby Formulas Linked to Infant Deaths 

What: The FDA has warned parents against buying three popular baby formulas manufactured at an Abbott plant in Michigan after they were linked to five infant hospitalizations, two of which resulted in death

The Details: Certain batches of the baby formulas Similac, Alimentum, and Elecare have been linked with infant illness and death and recalled by the manufacturer, Abbot. The FDA has warned against purchasing these products and is currently investigating five reports of serious infant illness, including two that resulted in the baby’s death. The illnesses were linked to bacterial contamination, with one instance of salmonella and four of Cronobacter sakazakiim, which is a rare and dangerous germ associated with blood infections and other complications. 

Upon inspecting the Abbott plant in Michigan, the FDA found that environmental samples tested positive for Cronobacter bacteria, and also uncovered potential manufacturing problems and records showing that previous batches of formula had been destroyed due to contamination.

Why This Matters for Your Health & Our Takeaway: This situation is a parent’s worst nightmare. It’s absolutely unthinkable that the simple act of feeding one’s child could result in hospitalization, or even death, and it becomes even more horrifying when you consider that Similac is one of the best-selling baby formulas in the world — and that the plant’s own inspectors say they didn’t find any contamination when they tested their samples!

It’s just another testament to the fact that big corporations don’t have your health and safety at the top of their priority list. When it comes to the well-being of your child, you absolutely cannot afford to take this kind of risk, especially since it seems like this kind of story comes up again and again. That’s why it’s essential to only buy baby food and formula from fully vetted brands that you know you can trust. Our Non-Toxic Products Database has several WellBe-approved options if you’re looking for 100% safe baby formula or food for your little one. 

7. Plastic Phthalates Associated With Early Death

What: A new study found that exposure to the synthetic chemicals called phthalates was linked to premature deaths among people ages 55 to 64 in the U.S.

The Details: In the study, researchers looked at data from over 5,000 American adults, analyzing their phthalate levels and mortality rates and controlling for preexisting conditions like heart disease, diabetes, BMI, and unhealthy lifestyle habits. Their results found that phthalates were linked to early death in adults aged 55-64, and that those with the highest levels of phthalates had a higher risk of death from any cause, especially cardiovascular disease. 

Extrapolating out from their sample, they estimate that phthalates may contribute to around 100,000 premature deaths every year, and that these deaths cost the U.S. over $40 billion in lost economic productivity (we know, we know, it’s pretty gross that money is the measure used to talk about the loss of human life, but it’s one of the metrics included in the study and it does give some sense of the impact of these losses).

Why This Matters for Your Health & Our Takeaway: Phthalates have long been associated with a whole host of health issues, and are known endocrine disruptors, meaning that they disrupt your body’s hormonal system. Even small hormonal disruptions can have significant health consequences, which helps explain why phthalates have been linked to so many poor health outcomes. This is particularly concerning given that phthalates are everywhere: in PVC plumbing, vinyl flooring, water-resistant products, children’s toys, food packaging, detergents, clothing, personal care products, and more. You’re exposed every time you breathe contaminated air or consume foods that come into contact with phthalate-containing plastics. 

And, like so many substances known to be harmful to human health (and the environment, but that’s a whole other story), phthalates are legal. This means it’s up to us to protect ourselves and our loved ones. You can do this by avoiding plastics as much as possible, never putting plastic containers into the microwave or dishwasher (where the heat can break down linings and make it easier for your body to absorb the chemicals), reducing your reliance on processed foods, and only using and consuming products that you know to be safe. Our Non-Toxic Products Database is a treasure trove for making the switch from conventional to clean, safe products. 

8. Changing Your Diet Can Add 13 Years to Your Life

What: A new, large study suggests that making the switch from a typical Western diet to a healthier eating style can add up to 13 years to your life, especially if you start when you’re young. 

The Details: In the study, Norwegian researchers used existing meta-analyses and data from the Global Burden of Diseases study, a database that tracks 286 causes of death, 369 diseases and injuries, and 87 risk factors in 204 countries and territories around the world (that is a LOT of data!). They used this data to create a model of what would happen to longevity when you replaced the typical Western diet (heavily focused on red meat and processed foods) with an “optimized” diet (focused on fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and nuts, with less red meat and processed foods). 

Their model found that if a woman began eating optimally at age 20, she could increase her lifespan by about 10 years, and that if a man did the same, he could add 13 years. If men and women made the switch at age 60, they could add nine and eight years, respectively, and even waiting until age 80 to make dietary changes could result in 3.5 additional years of life. 

The largest gains came from eating more legumes (beans, lentils, peas, peanuts), whole grains, and nuts. 

Why This Matters for Your Health & Our Takeaway: Though this was just a model, these numbers are striking and impressive — and could have a huge impact on American health, especially given how poorly Americans eat today. Currently, only 12% and 10% of adults consume the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables, respectively, 95% of American adults don’t get enough whole grains, and 50% of Americans fail to eat the measly 5 recommended grams of nuts and seeds a day.

Making these kinds of dietary changes is low-hanging fruit (no pun intended) for not only improving your length of life, but also its quality. It’s easy to replace red meat with lean poultry, fish (especially if you get migraines! See above!), or plant protein, and there are so many delicious and inexpensive options for getting adequate fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts. We don’t know about you, but this study inspires us to go make a big salad this evening, complete with garbanzo beans, quinoa, and a sprinkling of sunflower seeds. Yum!

Other News Worth Noting:

Listen to this wrap-up on The WellBe Podcast.

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