Here you’ll find articles related to environmental health and non-toxic living. Several different factors play a large role in determining our health and well-being. There are certain factors we can control completely — like our diet, exercise habits, sleep, and stress levels — but protecting your health from toxins in your environment can be more complicated.

Because of the nature of the industrialized world in which we live, toxins are everywhere. The air we breathe and water we drink is often polluted, and chemicals make their way into every type of consumer goods, from packaged foods to personal care products to baby toys. At WellBe, we talk a lot about your “toxic load,” or the idea that what matters most is the overall accumulation of toxins you encounter over your life. We can’t avoid toxins completely, but we can make choices that minimize our contact with harmful substances and help keep our toxic load low.

Read these articles to learn more about how the environment impacts your health, and equip yourself with knowledge and strategies to live a non-toxic life.

Healthy Coffee Creamer Alternatives (+ the 4 Worst Things to Put in Your Coffee)

Healthy Coffee Creamer Alternatives (+ the 4 Worst Things to Put in Your Coffee)

We love coffee, and chances are, so do you. The taste, the energy boost, the comforting ritual — there are a lot of reasons that coffee is an important part of many people’s daily life. But here’s the catch: not all coffee is created equal. In fact, the way some coffee is grown and processed can be harmful to both the environment and your health, and what you put in your coffee can also do damage to your health. The good news is that with the right knowledge, you can make informed decisions that let you have your morning cup without compromising your health or the planet. Read on to learn about the various coffee benefits and side effects, why non-dairy coffee creamer is so bad (plus healthy coffee creamer alternatives), the importance of buying organic coffee beans, and much more.  
2022’s Ten Most Important Health & Wellness Stories

2022’s Ten Most Important Health & Wellness Stories

In lieu of our normal Q4 wellness and health news wrap-up, we’re ending the year with a different sort of news roundup. In the spirit of end-of-year reflection, we’ve put together a list of the most important stories related to health and wellness from all of 2022, rather than just the last three months. Some of these stories are brand new, some were highlighted in past wrap-ups — and all of them have implications for the health of you and your loved ones.
What to Know About Mercury Poisoning: Sources of Mercury, Signs of Mercury Poisoning, and More

What to Know About Mercury Poisoning: Sources of Mercury, Signs of Mercury Poisoning, and More

A lot of people think of tuna as a health food, and in some ways it is: it’s packed with protein, naturally sugar-free, and has a ton of important nutrients, like omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12. But despite all these benefits, it’s not something that you should eat all that often (or if you’re pregnant or have high mercury levels in your blood, perhaps not at all). Why? Because of its mercury content. Most of us have a general idea that too much mercury is bad, but what exactly does it do to your body, and how much is too much? Read on to learn the signs of mercury poisoning, the primary sources of mercury (including what fish is high in mercury besides tuna), options for mercury poisoning treatment, and more. 
Dr. Kasey Holland on EBV Reactivation Symptoms and How EBV Triggers Autoimmune Disease

Dr. Kasey Holland on EBV Reactivation Symptoms and How EBV Triggers Autoimmune Disease

When Dr. Kasey Holland was in naturopathic medical school, she was experiencing a cluster of mysterious and sometimes debilitating symptoms, and didn’t know what they were, despite the fact that the answer was staring her right in the face (Literally! She was busy diagnosing patients with the very thing she had! ). When she eventually figured out that she had reactivated EBV, and then healed herself, she decided to make this complex virus her specialty. Read on to learn Dr. Holland’s insights on EBV reactivation symptoms, the best EBV treatment, how EBV might explain what triggers autoimmune disease, and much more.
Dr. Jess Peatross On the Challenges of Testing for Mold Toxicity

Dr. Jess Peatross On the Challenges of Testing for Mold Toxicity

Dr. Jess Peatross — aka Dr. Jess — was working at a hospital in Portland, Oregon when she began to have inklings that something wasn’t right with the conventional medical system. She saw her colleagues using a cookie-cutter approach for every problem and sending patients away with laundry lists of prescriptions, and she knew there must be a better way. She left her job in the hospital and launched her own practice, where she now focuses primarily on stealth infections and environmental toxicity, in particular mold. Read on to learn her advice on professional mold testing, why it’s so difficult to do accurate testing for mold toxicity, and more.