Here you’ll find articles that are about or related to the topic of women’s health. As humans, there are some things that are true for the health of everyone. We can all benefit from eating leafy greens, for instance, or exercising regularly. But the fact of the matter is that men and women have different bodies, hormones, and other biological and genetic dispositions that result in sex-specific health concerns.

For instance, autoimmune diseases are more common among women, and there are many conditions that only occur in women, like PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer. Different lifestyle choices also affect women in different ways than they do men, as hormones have a huge impact on the way our body functions. Plus, women face specific hurdles when they seek treatment, due to sexism in the medical system. 

Read these articles to learn science-based insights on women’s health, as well as inspirational stories from women who have been able to heal their health issues naturally.

Is Your Cortisol High? Symptoms of High Cortisol Levels & How to Lower Cortisol Naturally

Is Your Cortisol High? Symptoms of High Cortisol Levels & How to Lower Cortisol Naturally

Cortisol is one of the hormones that gets talked about the most in day-to-day life, especially in the wellness corners of the internet and social media platforms. If you’ve come across these conversations (or even if you haven’t), you likely know that high cortisol levels aren’t good, but there’s usually not more context given than that. How can you know if your cortisol levels are high, and what can you do about it? Read on to learn the symptoms of high cortisol levels, the various different causes of high cortisol, how to lower cortisol naturally, and more.