These articles are all related to either autoimmune diseases or inflammation — or often both, since the two are so intimately connected to one another!

Autoimmune diseases are a category of chronic conditions in which your immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells in your body. Examples of autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, psoriasis, eczema, multiple sclerosis, IBS, celiac disease, and more. 

Autoimmune diseases cause chronic inflammation. White acute inflammation can help heal disease and injury, chronic inflammation is damaging to your body, weakening your immune system and leading to a variety of other symptoms and conditions. Chronic inflammation isn’t only caused by autoimmune disease. It can also have a variety of other causes, including lifestyle and genetic factors. 

Read these articles to learn about specific autoimmune conditions and how to heal them, as well as in-depth information about chronic inflammation, and inspiring stories from people who have found natural ways to heal from autoimmune conditions, inflammatory disease, or both.

Donna Jackson Nakazawa Explains Psycho Neuroimmunology: How Emotions and Trauma Affect Your Immunity and Disease Risk

Donna Jackson Nakazawa Explains Psycho Neuroimmunology: How Emotions and Trauma Affect Your Immunity and Disease Risk

Donna Jackson Nakazawa is the author of seven books about what she likes to call “gnarly problems” that span the intersection of science, emotion, and human life, most recently the book Girls on the Brink. One of the gnarly topics she’s done a deep dive on is something called psycho neuroimunology, which is the field that looks at the interplay between our mind and our immune system. As she learned in her research, the relationship between the two is strong — and it all starts in childhood. Read on to learn more about the emerging field of psycho neuroimmunology, what it has to do with adverse childhood experiences (ACE) research, how emotions affect the body physically by way of the brain, and more. 
Natural Remedies for Brain Fog: Understanding Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & More

Natural Remedies for Brain Fog: Understanding Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & More

We’re all familiar with feeling “out of it” sometimes. It’s part of being a person, especially in our distraction-filled, fast-paced digital world. But sometimes that feeling persists, settling in our minds and making it hard for us to accomplish anything at all. Yes, brain fog is very real, and very unpleasant, and, unfortunately, a little tricky to get to the root of. This guide is here to help. Read on to learn the definition of brain fog, what causes brain fog, plus brain fog treatment and natural remedies for brain fog.
Holistic Nutritionist Maria Marlowe on the Link Between Gut Health and Acne

Holistic Nutritionist Maria Marlowe on the Link Between Gut Health and Acne

For years, Maria Marlowe struggled with acne. She tried every product and prescription she could find to clear up her skin, but nothing works. It was only when she began learning about nutrition that she understood the role that diet plays in skin health — and after changing what she ate, her skin cleared up in months. Today, Marlowe is a holistic nutritionist, author, and host of The Glow Life podcast, and helps others clear their skin through food. Watch the interview or read on to learn the link between hormones and acne, how gut health and acne relate, the best diet for acne, and more. 
Dr. Kasey Holland on EBV Reactivation Symptoms and How EBV Triggers Autoimmune Disease

Dr. Kasey Holland on EBV Reactivation Symptoms and How EBV Triggers Autoimmune Disease

When Dr. Kasey Holland was in naturopathic medical school, she was experiencing a cluster of mysterious and sometimes debilitating symptoms, and didn’t know what they were, despite the fact that the answer was staring her right in the face (Literally! She was busy diagnosing patients with the very thing she had! ). When she eventually figured out that she had reactivated EBV, and then healed herself, she decided to make this complex virus her specialty. Read on to learn Dr. Holland’s insights on EBV reactivation symptoms, the best EBV treatment, how EBV might explain what triggers autoimmune disease, and much more.
What’s the Deal with Unhealthy Fats vs. Healthy Fats?

What’s the Deal with Unhealthy Fats vs. Healthy Fats?

If you’re over 30 years old, you likely remember the “low-fat” craze of the 90s. Fats were vilified, and consumers snapped up fat-free and low-fat products (which were chock full of sugars, processed ingredients, and chemicals, btw). In more recent years, we’ve come to learn that fats aren’t evil — in fact, they’re essential to the healthy function of your body. The important thing is to eat the right types of fat, which can be a bit confusing to figure out. We’ve got you covered with this brand new guide to fats. Read on to learn the difference between healthy fats and unhealthy fats, examples of healthy fats to use, the best cooking oils and worst cooking oils for your health, and more.
What’s the Difference Between a Food Allergy vs Food Intolerance? Dr. Will Bulsiewicz Explains

What’s the Difference Between a Food Allergy vs Food Intolerance? Dr. Will Bulsiewicz Explains

It’s not often we have repeat interviewees here at WellBe, but sometimes a person just has too much valuable expertise to unpack in one interview. One of those people is Dr. Will Bulsiewicz (aka Dr. B). Dr B is a double board-certified physician, gut health expert, and author of Fiber Fueled and the brand new Fiber Fueled Cookbook, which he describes as “the ‘how’ of gut health.” While Dr. B’s first WellBe interview focused on the importance of fiber and dietary diversity, this one is all about the causes of food intolerance. Read on to learn the difference between a food allergy vs food intolerance, the most common food intolerances, and much more.