How Rachel Winard Used Ayurveda As a Natural Treatment for Lupus

Soapwalla founder Rachel Winard went from having great skin and never being sick to suddenly having a constant fever, getting covered in full-body rashes, and experiencing all sorts of other weird symptoms and illnesses. She went to 15 doctors before she was finally diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), an autoimmune disease where your immune system attacks your own tissues and organs. After chemo and pharmaceuticals didn’t help, she went in pursuit of a natural treatment for lupus, and — spoiler alert — it worked. Read on to learn about how she used ayurvedic treatment for lupus and why it’s one of the most effective natural remedies for lupus. 

*This is a short clip from Winard’s full interview— click here to watch the whole thing.*

You can also listen to our interview with Rachel Winard on The WellBe Podcast. 

Mysterious Symptoms Setting In

Winard’s health issues started during the first semester of her first year of law school in New York City. Seemingly overnight, she went from being very healthy to very sick. Along with the incessant fever and full-body rashes, she got bronchitis four times, sun sickness (who knew that was a thing?), and cat scratch fever (also, what?!). 

“Before that, I barely even got headaches,” Winard says. “I just never had any health bumps.”  She’d never really gotten sick as a child, and had always had clear skin — not even a pimple during adolescence. Suddenly, she was the sickest person she knew and her skin was anything but clear.

For that first year of law school, she just hoped the symptoms would go away on their own, that maybe it was all somehow stress-related. Looking back now, she knows that she was just leaning on “all those things you tell yourself when you know something is really wrong but you don’t know how to deal with it.”

But before long, she couldn’t deny the reality any longer. Her health was only getting worse.

By the second year of law school, Winard’s skin was so reactive that she couldn’t even put water on it without a rash or other irritation developing. “Your skin is an immune-functioning organ, so it really is like the canary in the coal mine, telling you when other things are more fundamentally going wrong,” she explains. 

Winard was desperate for some relief, and so she began the long process of trying to figure out what was going on with her. 

Battling The Medical System to Get a Diagnosis

Winard visited multiple doctors, often with frustrating results. Countless practitioners gave up after one or two tests came back negative, and she’d have to start from square one with a new doctor each time. “I just kept getting bounced around from one to another to another,” she remembers.

One doctor, because of Winard’s extreme fatigue, decided to test her for type 1 diabetes — and only type 1 diabetes — then sent her away when the test came back negative. Another basically said, “You’re a girl, emotions can be really hard, so manage your stress.” Many of the doctors that she saw told her that it was all in her head, that she should see a shrink. (All of this, in retrospect, was a textbook example of medical gaslighting.)

Still, she kept going. “I wasn’t willing to give up, because I wasn’t willing to keep living the way I was living,” Winard says.

At last, at her fifteenth appointment, a doctor finally sat down and asked her the questions nobody had asked before. What’s more, he actually listened to her answers — and he did this even though he was 85 and she was his last patient before he was going to retire. He was the first doctor who thought to look at her symptoms holistically, suggesting that perhaps all of her ailments were connected. Putting everything together, he recommended that she get tested for lupus, and she did. At age 24, she was finally diagnosed with SLE.

Trying to Treat SLE with Conventional Medicine

Once Winard had her diagnosis, her next step was to assemble her own team of specialists. She needed to find a dermatologist to do skin biopsies as well as a hematologist because she was having a particular kind of blood reaction. And, because the “systemic” in systemic lupus erythematosus means that the internal organs are involved, she needed a rheumatologist as well. 

Soon after treatment began, she realized that none of her team of specialists talked to one another to share information about her health. “I was sort of this odd pinball, bouncing from place to place, trying to synthesize what everyone was saying, trying to make sure that all of my documentation got to the right place,” she said. “It was a full-time job.”

Winard’s doctors tried out multiple drug protocols to get her liver, lungs, and blood under control, since these were the things most affected by her SLE. When none of those methods worked, the specialists told her that the best option was chemotherapy. They decided that if they couldn’t get her immune system under control (aka not attacking her organs and tissues) they just needed to get rid of it (um what?!). 

She was put on three chemo drugs for a year to slow down her out-of-whack immune system. Unlike a cancer chemo protocol, which involves high-dosage injections once a week, she took lower dosages every day along with one injection once a week. After a full 12 months of these chemo treatments, her blood work showed some progress, but her lupus was not in remission. Her weight was down to barely 90 pounds and she felt like “absolute crap,” as she puts it. 

“My body needed to stop fighting all the time. I needed that wake-up call to realize that this was not going to be the rest of my life,” she says.

Discovering A Natural Treatment for Lupus

On top of all that, she was working at a demanding law firm and knew the stress of the job played into her inability to heal. So she set up a meeting with a partner at the firm and told him she was going to India for four months, fully expecting to be fired. To her surprise, he gave her a sabbatical instead. Shortly after that meeting, she went to Mysore in southern India to see a doctor trained in Ayurvedic healing in the hopes of finding a natural treatment for lupus. 

For the next four months, she and the doctor worked together daily. “The protocol was so wildly different. We never talked about lupus specifically. She just addressed what my body was showing her,” Winard says. The experience of not being defined by a blood panel or a diagnosis, but instead by how her body was reacting, was life-changing.

When she returned to New York, her blood work came back normal for the first time since her diagnosis. This told her that she was definitely onto something with the Ayurvedic treatment for lupus, but she also knew that these results had been achieved after she’d completely taken herself out of her life and removed all stress.

Now, Winard’s challenge was to figure out how to make these natural remedies for lupus work back in her real life in New York. She went back to work at the law firm, and after just two days, knew she couldn’t stay. So she saved every penny she could, and six months later, she quit.

“It was a really good time to sit with a lot of uncertainty, which is really what having a chronic illness is,” she says. “It’s a lot of not knowing what’s coming next, and being okay with that.”

How Ayurvedic Treatment for Lupus Helped Her Heal

Besides figuring out what she was going to do, career-wise, Winard now faced the daunting task of sticking to her Ayurvedic treatment for lupus while back at home in New York City. But because of how effective the protocol had been, she knew she needed to commit to it.

Diet was central to the natural remedies for lupus that Winard’s Mysore doctor had recommended. Her dietary changes included adding lots of herbs into her daily life, as well as avoiding dairy (a more recent doctor told Winard that he’s never had a lupus patient without a dairy allergy) and nightshades (plants like eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes). 

Because her GI tract was in shambles from all the drugs, her Ayurvedic diet plan required that she cook all food. This is because raw food is more difficult for the body to assimilate and digest, and cooked food offered Winard the easiest way for her body to absorb nutrients (learn more about how your GI tract can impact all areas of your health in our free gut guide!). She also used yoga, meditation, and boxing to keep her stress levels low and get in touch with herself. “All of that I responded to so much better than the drug protocol I was on,” she says.

Winard isn’t cured of lupus, so she stays alert. But what she’s achieved is miraculous, and a true success in that she was able to discover a natural treatment for lupus that actually worked.  

These days, she doesn’t take any prescriptions at all, unless she’s having an SLE flare-up or experiencing a related illness that requires it. In those situations, she’s upfront with her doctors, telling them that she will only take the medications for the minimum amount of time possible, and only if she absolutely needs to.

Contrast this with the situation before she left for India and discovered Ayurvedic treatment for lupus: at that time, Winard was on 12 drugs daily. She estimates most SLE patients are on at least three. She likened it to being in a game of Whac-A-Mole: constantly treating one symptom, only to have another pop up somewhere else in her body because of a medication she was taking. For example, she’d been on CellCept — an organ transplant drug that she took for her liver, because her liver was so heavily affected by SLE — and now has permanent liver damage because of the drug.

With Ayurvedic treatment for lupus, there is no Whac-A-Mole. She’s finally found a medication-free, natural treatment for lupus, which means that there are no side effects, only healing. 

Returning Home and Launching Soapwalla

The philosophy of Ayurvedic treatment had a profound impact on Winard. She resonated with the Ayurvedic approach of “looking at what you’ve got in front of you and then gently unraveling to what might be the base cause with all of the herbs, and all of the plants and oils,” as she describes it. 

Winard took that approach and launched Soapwalla, a Brooklyn- based natural skincare company that she created for her own sensitive skin issues. She says that the philosophy behind Ayurveda and the one behind Soapwalla are “intricately intertwined,” in that Soapwalla is very intentional about the ingredients they use and how they craft their product. The company sources exclusively from small farms to make hand-crafted, vegan products that don’t use any harmful chemicals like sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, or phthalates.

Winard didn’t grow up wanting to run her own business, and never would have imagined that she would own a skincare company. But after her experience with lupus, and the way it affected her once-perfect skin, she saw clearly what her post-lawyer chapter would be. “This whole passion for skincare came about because of my health issues,” she explains. 

It will be a lifelong effort to make sure her lupus stays in remission, but now that Winard understands the power of Ayurvedic treatment for lupus and what her individual body needs to thrive, she knows long-term remission is possible. Through diet, herbs, oils, stress management, and physical exercise, she can feel as good as she did during the first 22 years of her life. Staying healthy may take more effort than it did back then, but it’s also more rewarding than it ever was before.

Have you ever tried an Ayurvedic approach to treating a health issue? What was your experience? Tell us in the comments below!


Watch our full interview with Winard’s to learn the way homophobia in the medical community played out in her treatment, how being in NYC for 9/11 impacted her recovery journey, and much more. You can also listen to the full interview on our podcast! 


  1. Fava, Andrea, and Michelle Petri. “Systemic lupus erythematosus: Diagnosis and clinical management.” Journal of autoimmunity vol. 96 (2019): 1-13. doi:10.1016/j.jaut.2018.11.001
  2. GR, Arun. (2014). EXPLORATORY STUDY ON THE EFFICACY OF AN AYURVEDIC THERAPY IN SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS (RAKTADHIKA VATARAKTA) Gokul. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific Innovation. 3. 10.7897/2277-4572.031111. 

The recovery story above is anecdotal and specific to this particular individual. Please note that this is not medical advice, and that not all treatments and approaches mentioned will work for everyone.

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How Rachel Winard Used Ayurveda As a Natural Treatment for Lupus

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How Rachel Winard Used Ayurveda As a Natural Treatment for Lupus

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How Rachel Winard Used Ayurveda As a Natural Treatment for Lupus
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    1. Hi Gaurav – This is Team WellBe. The name of the doctor that Rachel saw is Dr. Shantala Priyadarshini and she’s based in Mysore (in the state of Karnataka) in India. I hope this helps! :) Thanks for being part of the WellBe community!

  1. Hi there just saw Rachel Winard YouTube video. my name is Loredine Leoncio I was diagnosed SLE lupus 2010 and contant fatigue all the time and constantly flaring: I’m under medication for lifetime, so tired with my illness pls is there a way for me to get healed like Rachel.

    1. Hi Loredine – I’m so sorry to hear what you’ve been through. I hope you learned a lot from what Rachel did to heal. I know her doctor in India is named Dr. Shantala Priyadarshini and she’s based in Mysore (in the state of Karnataka) in India. I hope this helps. Please let us know what else we can do.

  2. Hey my name is Hina. I was diagnosed with lupus in 2017. I am on steroids n HCQ’s. These meds are creating further problem with my body. Can ur treatment cure my lupus.

  3. The above tips are really helpful. wellness in today’s scenario is very important. my neighbour was also suffering from this disease and later he was suggested by someone to go for an Ayurveda treatment of Jain’s cow urine therapy and he followed that and now he is all well than before.

    1. Hi Nitesh, that is great to hear! If you haven’t already be sure to sign up for our newsletter here xx Adrienne & Team WellBe

  4. Dr Shanthala Priyadarshi is God in form of human, my dry eye and eye pain problem got better by taking her medicine for three days. My wife hair fall also controlled. One of my colleagues was also cured from Autoimmune disease when doctors in Bangalore said there no hope to be alive for him after taking her two years medicine course. But you have to complete her medicine course and mysore is bit far from Bangalore where I live, that’s only challenge.

    Nitin Khandelwal

    1. Nitin, that is so great to hear and if you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter here! XX Adrienne & Team WellBe

    1. Hi Shreedevi, thanks so much for reaching out. The name of the doctor that Rachel saw is Dr. Shantala Priyadarshini and she’s based in Mysore (in the state of Karnataka) in India. I hope that helps, and you can also reach out to Adrienne for 1:1 coaching if you need more support in dealing with lupus symptoms and finding the right providers. If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter here! XX Team WellBe

  5. Hi my wife was suffering with SLE Lupus last two years she is using halopathy medicines like steroids, HcQs etc but this medicines use life long it will infect other parts of body how can we cure please tell me 

    1. Hi Vishvender, so sorry to hear about the struggles your wife is having. We only know what we learned from our lupus survivors within this article, but we hope your wife gets the help that she needs! xx Adrienne & Team WellBe

    2. Hi Sameer, the name of the doctor that Rachel saw is Dr. Shantala Priyadarshini and she’s based in Mysore (in the state of Karnataka) in India. I hope that helps! Xx Adrienne & Team WellBe

  6. Hi I’ is present.candishion.pls

    1. Hi Sameer, so sorry to hear about what your wife is going through. We only know what we learned from our lupus survivors within this article, but we hope your wife gets the help that she needs! xx Adrienne & Team WellBe

    1. Hi Gowri,
      We believe so, however since Rachel Winard was the one that dealt with Dr. Shantala, feel free to reach out to her. Good luck! Xx Adrienne & Team WellBe

  7. 1. Please send complete address , contact number (mobile & landline), email, website of Dr. Shantala Priyadarshini so that before visiting we can discuss and get the required pre-requisites done.

    2. In how many weeks, the treatment started showing results.

    1. Hi Shama,

      We do not have Dr. Priyadarshini’s contact information, but feel free to reach out to Rachel Winard to get that information, as well as how many weeks it took to get the treatment results! xx Adrienne & Team WellBe

  8. My daughter is suffering lupus since 9 years old and I need to get in touch with Rachel. Can I have her email address please?

  9. Hello
    My wife is suffering from sle and she diagnosed with sle in 2020 after consulting so many doctors. She is now on asteroid and hcqs. Is there any permanent cure from this disease?
    Can you please tell?

  10. I was diagnosed in March 2017 but was running around from doctor to doctor before I finally get a result that I was free from Lupus SLE. Mine started on top and progressed to the bottom I could walk very little but needed assistance as I have no balance. It is a sad time that we thought this disease has no cure with all the technology we have while there are some formulas there that can reverse all symptoms and get rid of Lupus SLE permanently. I’m passing this info to anyone at there because multivitamincare .org has the right cure and caregiver for this disease ….I took various supplements, medicine prescribed by a neurologist, rheumatologist, and physiotherapy still the disease was progressing very fast until the Lupus SLE  formula from that company.

  11. I am deeply sorry for all your condition, sending prayers and lots of love for your quick recovery from madibaherbalcenter. com I strongly believe that this information I am about sharing with you will massively help you in all ramifications so Check out this amazing supporting page Madiba Herbal Center for Any information you seek and possible alternative treatments for Lupus (SLE) that can help your situation. They really helped me and I trust them with my life. Godspeed and quick recovery.

  12. I was diagnosed with Lupus in March 2019 but was running around from doctor to doctor before I finally got a result that I was free from Lupus SLE. Mine started on top and progressed into the bottom. I could walk very little but needed assistance as I have no balance. It is sad all the time that we thought this disease has no cure with all the technology we have while there are some formulas that can reverse all Lupus symptoms and get rid of it . I’m passing this info to anyone at there because ( www multivitamincare .org ) has the right cure and caregiver to this disease ….I took various supplements, medicine prescribed by neurologist,PCP and physiotherapy still the disease is was progressing very fast until the SLE herbal remedies from that company .

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