Here you’ll find articles related to weight & metabolism. A person’s health is determined by so many factors other than the number on the scale. However, body weight does have an impact on a person’s mental and physical health, and can play a role in their ability to heal and prevent chronic illness.

Metabolism, too, is an important topic in wellness. It’s often talked about in terms of weight loss, but in reality, metabolism is a crucial bodily process in which our cells change food into energy. It helps you grow new cells, keeps your organs and muscles working properly, and fuels important systems like digestion and immune function. Like every other aspect of your health, both weight and metabolism are influenced by the choices you make and the lifestyle you lead.

Read these articles to learn about how both weight and metabolism impact your overall health, as well as insights into how to best support a healthy body weight and metabolism.

Natural Remedies for Hormonal Imbalance In Females: Hormonal Belly Fat, Supplements, & More

Natural Remedies for Hormonal Imbalance In Females: Hormonal Belly Fat, Supplements, & More

When people talk about hormones, it’s normally related to a specific kind of experience, like menopause, pregnancy, or a monthly menstrual cycle. Hormones play a big role in all of these, of course, but what people don’t talk about (and many don’t know) is the fact that hormones play a huge role in every aspect of our body’s functioning every single day. That means that if your hormones are out of whack, there are consequences, including some particularly pesky ones like weight gain and belly fat. Read on to learn more about female imbalance and the link between cortisol and belly fat, as well as natural remedies for hormonal imbalance.
Choosing a Nutrition Expert: Should You See a Nutritionist, Nutrition Coach, Dietitian, or Health Coach?

Choosing a Nutrition Expert: Should You See a Nutritionist, Nutrition Coach, Dietitian, or Health Coach?

As many of us know, the buddy system shouldn’t be underestimated. It’s not that we don’t know what to do, it’s actually doing it that proves to be difficult. Food is so cultural and habitual. Undoing decades of habits (including eating dishes from places we’ve always loved) because of health concerns is a big task for someone to do alone. We looked into a few types of nutrition experts to help you find the person who will optimize your health. Is it a nutritionist? A registered dietitian? A health coach? Watch our guide video to learn more.
Health Research Wrap-Up: October to December 2020

Health Research Wrap-Up: October to December 2020

Well, it’s finally happening: this seemingly endless year is coming to an end at long last. If you’d told us in January everything this year was going to bring, there’s no way we would have believed you! And yet, here we are. Obviously, wellness news (and all news) this year has been dominated by the coronavirus, and so throughout 2020 we’ve done our best to share the most significant developments in these health research wrap-ups. But, as we’ve said before, your best defense against COVID or any other disease is maintaining good overall health, and many WellBe readers are still struggling with other chronic symptoms and conditions (that might make it harder to fight COVID-19). That's why we think it’s as important as ever to highlight health news and research that’s not COVID-related.