Here you’ll find articles that are about or related to the field of conventional medicine, or Western medicine. Conventional medicine is the type of medicine that emerged after the Industrial Revolution and that is currently taught in mainstream medical schools and practiced in mainstream hospitals. It focuses on treatment of diseases and symptoms, rather than prevention of these issues. That treatment often involves pharmaceutical medications, surgery, or other invasive procedures. 

At WellBe, we believe that integrative medicine is the best path to true wellness, which means taking a holistic approach that treats a whole person rather than symptoms, addressing the root cause of health issues, and prioritizing prevention rather than treatment. However, we know that conventional medicine can be truly miraculous and life-saving in certain situations. An integrative approach to health can include conventional medicine practices.

Read these articles to hear insights and stories about the conventional medical system, both good and bad.

Dr. Gerard Mullin on Prebiotics for Gut Health, Weight Gain from Antibiotics, and More

Dr. Gerard Mullin on Prebiotics for Gut Health, Weight Gain from Antibiotics, and More

The gut microbiome is a dynamic living ecosystem made up of 100 trillion microbes in the intestinal tract. This complex system of viruses, bacteria, and fungi protects against foreign pathogens, helps regulate the immune system and control inflammation, and may even affect your mood— among its many other functions. In this clip from our full interview, we talked to Dr. Gerard Mullin, associate associate professor of medicine at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, and renowned integrative gastroenterology and nutrition expert, about the importance of probiotics and prebiotics for the health of the gut microbiome.
How this Economist Used Spreadsheets to Heal Autoimmune Disease

How this Economist Used Spreadsheets to Heal Autoimmune Disease

Mette was 14 years old when she was diagnosed with her first autoimmune condition, psoriasis. She noticed three red dots on her neck, then woke up the next day covered in them. “The shock in and of itself was pretty disturbing to a young girl,” she told WellBe. This was the beginning of a decades-long struggle with chronic illness, which led to five more diagnoses, a ton of drug prescriptions, and, ultimately, the realization that she wasn’t far from death. That’s when she decided to take control of her treatment, find true health — and found a company, Mymee, that helps others do the same.
Maya Dusenbery on How Medical Gaslighting Sidelines Women’s Health Problems

Maya Dusenbery on How Medical Gaslighting Sidelines Women’s Health Problems

Maya Dusenbery had been working as a feminist writer for most of her adult life, but she hadn’t spent much time thinking about how women were treated in medicine. Then, an unexpected personal health issue showed her firsthand the unique challenges that women face in navigating the healthcare system. Her book, Doing Harm, stems from this experience and looks more largely at gender bias in medicine and how it hurts women. Read on to hear her story and learn why women’s health problems are often sidelined, why medical gaslighting is so widespread, how gender bias in research changes outcomes for women, and more. 
Former CEO of Aetna Mark Bertolini on How Holistic Insurance and Preventative Healthcare Can Fix Our Broken System

Former CEO of Aetna Mark Bertolini on How Holistic Insurance and Preventative Healthcare Can Fix Our Broken System

Mark Bertolini had worked in private health insurance for his whole adult life, and never considered any sort of integrative therapies. Then, two personal health crises showed him firsthand the importance of holistic healthcare and the failures of the current system. As CEO of Aetna — a role he left in late 2019  when he sold the company to CVS — he implemented sweeping changes that reflected his newfound viewpoint. Read on to learn about his own transformative health journey, how he changed the culture of Aetna, why he believes holistic insurance and preventative healthcare can help fix the U.S. healthcare system, and more.