Interviews with experts who straddle the promising yet confusing space between healthcare and wellness. Here, find conversations that Adrienne had with health and wellness experts with a wide variety of backgrounds, philosophies, and areas of focus.

Learn why soluble fiber is the “unsung hero of gut health” with Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, or how you can shape your gene expression with Dr. Jay Goodbinder. Find out exactly how to start practicing intermittent fasting (and its benefits) with Dr. Amy Shah, or what types of blood tests you should get with naturopath Dr. Carrie Jones. Learn about the complexities of thyroid health with Dr. Aviva Romm, and balancing your hormones with Alisa Vitti. If there’s a wellness topic you want to learn more about, chances are we’ve talked about it with someone who has dedicated their life to studying it. 

Read these interviews to learn in-depth information about specific topics from the people who understand them best.

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Donna Jackson Nakazawa Explains Psycho Neuroimmunology: How Emotions and Trauma Affect Your Immunity and Disease Risk

Donna Jackson Nakazawa Explains Psycho Neuroimmunology: How Emotions and Trauma Affect Your Immunity and Disease Risk

Donna Jackson Nakazawa is the author of seven books about what she likes to call “gnarly problems” that span the intersection of science, emotion, and human life, most recently the book Girls on the Brink. One of the gnarly topics she’s done a deep dive on is something called psycho neuroimunology, which is the field that looks at the interplay between our mind and our immune system. As she learned in her research, the relationship between the two is strong — and it all starts in childhood. Read on to learn more about the emerging field of psycho neuroimmunology, what it has to do with adverse childhood experiences (ACE) research, how emotions affect the body physically by way of the brain, and more. 
Dr. Bill Rawls on Why Cellular Health May Explain All Chronic Disease

Dr. Bill Rawls on Why Cellular Health May Explain All Chronic Disease

It’s not often that we have a repeat interviewee at WellBe, but sometimes someone is just such a wealth of knowledge that we have to go back. In our first interview with Dr. Bill Rawls, he shared his story of healing chronic Lyme and discovering the power of herbal medicine along the way. But now, on the heels of the release of his new book, The Cellular Wellness Solution, Dr. Rawls is back to discuss cellular health. Read on to learn why you should care about cellular health; the relationship between cellular wellness, stress, and aging; how microbes in the cells contribute to chronic disease; how herbs can combat cellular stress, and much more. 
Holistic Nutritionist Maria Marlowe on the Link Between Gut Health and Acne

Holistic Nutritionist Maria Marlowe on the Link Between Gut Health and Acne

For years, Maria Marlowe struggled with acne. She tried every product and prescription she could find to clear up her skin, but nothing works. It was only when she began learning about nutrition that she understood the role that diet plays in skin health — and after changing what she ate, her skin cleared up in months. Today, Marlowe is a holistic nutritionist, author, and host of The Glow Life podcast, and helps others clear their skin through food. Watch the interview or read on to learn the link between hormones and acne, how gut health and acne relate, the best diet for acne, and more. 
Dr. Kasey Holland on EBV Reactivation Symptoms and How EBV Triggers Autoimmune Disease

Dr. Kasey Holland on EBV Reactivation Symptoms and How EBV Triggers Autoimmune Disease

When Dr. Kasey Holland was in naturopathic medical school, she was experiencing a cluster of mysterious and sometimes debilitating symptoms, and didn’t know what they were, despite the fact that the answer was staring her right in the face (Literally! She was busy diagnosing patients with the very thing she had! ). When she eventually figured out that she had reactivated EBV, and then healed herself, she decided to make this complex virus her specialty. Read on to learn Dr. Holland’s insights on EBV reactivation symptoms, the best EBV treatment, how EBV might explain what triggers autoimmune disease, and much more.
Dr. Jess Peatross On the Challenges of Testing for Mold Toxicity

Dr. Jess Peatross On the Challenges of Testing for Mold Toxicity

Dr. Jess Peatross — aka Dr. Jess — was working at a hospital in Portland, Oregon when she began to have inklings that something wasn’t right with the conventional medical system. She saw her colleagues using a cookie-cutter approach for every problem and sending patients away with laundry lists of prescriptions, and she knew there must be a better way. She left her job in the hospital and launched her own practice, where she now focuses primarily on stealth infections and environmental toxicity, in particular mold. Read on to learn her advice on professional mold testing, why it’s so difficult to do accurate testing for mold toxicity, and more.
What’s the Difference Between a Food Allergy vs Food Intolerance? Dr. Will Bulsiewicz Explains

What’s the Difference Between a Food Allergy vs Food Intolerance? Dr. Will Bulsiewicz Explains

It’s not often we have repeat interviewees here at WellBe, but sometimes a person just has too much valuable expertise to unpack in one interview. One of those people is Dr. Will Bulsiewicz (aka Dr. B). Dr B is a double board-certified physician, gut health expert, and author of Fiber Fueled and the brand new Fiber Fueled Cookbook, which he describes as “the ‘how’ of gut health.” While Dr. B’s first WellBe interview focused on the importance of fiber and dietary diversity, this one is all about the causes of food intolerance. Read on to learn the difference between a food allergy vs food intolerance, the most common food intolerances, and much more. 
Certified Lactation Consultant Andrea Syms-Brown on Why to Do Natural Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding vs Pumping, and More

Certified Lactation Consultant Andrea Syms-Brown on Why to Do Natural Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding vs Pumping, and More

Despite the fact that breastfeeding is a natural process, many women struggle in their efforts to achieve natural breastfeeding. That’s where a certified lactation consultant can be a lifesaver (sometimes literally). Adrienne spoke with Andrea Syms-Brown, an international board-certified lactation consultant, founder of Baby in the Family, and the women who “saved” Adrienne on her own breastfeeding journey. Read on to learn about why natural breastfeeding can be so difficult for women, how to think about breastfeeding vs pumping, the importance of proper positioning, and much more.
Valencia Porter, MD, MPH on How Exposure to Chemicals Affects Your Health, and What to Do About It

Valencia Porter, MD, MPH on How Exposure to Chemicals Affects Your Health, and What to Do About It

Growing up interested in science and medicine, Dr. Valencia Porter always knew she’d become a doctor. What she didn't know was that, after working for several years working as a conventional physician, she would pivot to a completely new approach. Today, the double-board certified doctor is also a functional medicine practitioner and an author with a masters in public health focusing on environmental health. She has spent years working as the lead physician and educator at The Chopra Center, and much of her work centers around the health impacts of exposure to chemicals. Read on to learn about the risks of environmental toxicity, the different types of toxins, how to remove toxins from the body, and more.