These articles are all related to either autoimmune diseases or inflammation — or often both, since the two are so intimately connected to one another!
Autoimmune diseases are a category of chronic conditions in which your immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells in your body. Examples of autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, psoriasis, eczema, multiple sclerosis, IBS, celiac disease, and more.
Autoimmune diseases cause chronic inflammation. White acute inflammation can help heal disease and injury, chronic inflammation is damaging to your body, weakening your immune system and leading to a variety of other symptoms and conditions. Chronic inflammation isn’t only caused by autoimmune disease. It can also have a variety of other causes, including lifestyle and genetic factors.
Read these articles to learn about specific autoimmune conditions and how to heal them, as well as in-depth information about chronic inflammation, and inspiring stories from people who have found natural ways to heal from autoimmune conditions, inflammatory disease, or both.

How to Identify a Food Sensitivity with a Food Elimination Diet

She Ditched Conventional Crohn’s Treatment to Treat Crohn’s Disease Naturally

How Rachel Winard Used Ayurveda As a Natural Treatment for Lupus

Joy Fennell on Healing Rheumatoid Arthritis Naturally through Food

Foods that Help Your Immune System: the Link Between Gut Health and Immune System Function

Treating MS Naturally: Diane Capaldi’s Amazing Success with the Wahls Protocol

How the GAPS Diet Helped this Woman Heal Lyme Disease