Joy Fennell on Healing Rheumatoid Arthritis Naturally through Food
When Joy Fennell was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis back in 2008, the future looked bleak. The New York City-based makeup artist was only in her early 30s, but she suddenly ...

Chris Kresser on the Benefits of Detoxing
“Detox” is a buzzy term in the wellness world, with celebrities and influencers peddling special detox products all over the place. Some of this is questionable, but as ancestral healt ...

Foods that Help Your Immune System: the Link Between Gut Health and Immune System Function
When it comes to getting and staying well during cold and flu season, your top defense is with the food you eat. At our panel on Nov. 9, 2017, we talked to board-certified internist, ...
This is me!!! I am 47 and was diagnosed bipolar at 13. Meds only made everything worse. Fast forward to today, age 47. I just wasted the last 15 months taking no thyroid 180mg and 120 mg liothyronine. The first month on liothyronine was heaven. Actually I just felt manic, but after the years of brain fog, aches and pains it was a welcomed relief. Then the burn out happened a d my doc increased it to 100mg. OMG…worst month of my life. It was a bipolar rollercoaster!! My doc did not listen to me. Kept repeating “its the adjustment phase” 8 months of adjustments and I finally had enough. I felt like I was on the verge of a stroke and could not make it up or down a flight of stairs without loosing my breath. This was a functional medicine doctor too. Once I complained, he to me to stop both meds cold turkey. The last week has been hell. I am shocked I made it thru. Suicide was on my mind more than I would like to admit.
I do not know how to change this part of our medical culture, but it must stop. Do No harm….
Hi Tara, so sorry to hear about all that you have been through, and glad that you can relate to our content! If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter here! Xx Adrienne & Team WellBe
I can relate to this roller coaster of changing dosages trying to alleviate symptoms. Depression, mania and back and forth in between. I am awaiting my NDT in the mail. Hope it helps because I feel like Synthroid only gives me brief windows of feeling good before I get mentally unstable again. Ugh. There has to be a better way.
Hi Erin! We are so sorry to hear about your symptoms, and we completely agree – there does have to be a better way! Hoping you find some relief and sending healing vibes! Xx Adrienne and Team WellBe
Happened to me too. Luckily Dr started me on 25mcg, lowest dose available, so for me it was a wonderful surge of energy, feeling positive, strong and healthy. I loved it and happily thought I was cured. The feeling only lasted about 10 days. Then I crashed, reverted to my previous unhealthy state. Oh well. Things have gradually improved over the years but not anywhere near those first 10 days.
My endocrinologist suggested I switch from Armor to Synthroid because Armor is on the Beers list of meds than can cause adverse reactions in ppl over 65. I had been on Synthroid 30 yrs ago when I was first diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. I know I wasn’t doing well on it and my doctor switched me to Armor, but couldn’t recall specifics, so I reluctantly agreed. Within 2 days I was so fatigued that I slept 18 hrs a day. I had extreme brain fog on top of body aches. The pain in my legs was so bad I could only go up or down steps one at a time and used the railing to pull myself up. After getting the mail, I literally collapsed in bed & fell asleep. What’s worse is that even pain medications didn’t relieve the pain. After 2 weeks of living a haze, I switched back to Armor. By that first afternoon I had more energy & the next day I was back to normal. I experienced other side effects but they were minor in comparison.
After 15 years on Synthroid , started having heart palpitations at night. Felt like I had a Tube Train UP MY SPINE!!! My QUACK Endo won’t prescribe me Armour. Still suffering and looking for anyone I can find that will prescribe……