Here you’ll find articles that are about or related to the fields of integrative and functional medicine. Integrative medicine takes the point of view that your health is influenced by every aspect of your life, including physical, mental, environmental, and social factors. The goal of integrative medicine is to get the root cause of health issues, rather than treating symptoms, and this is done by drawing on a variety of different medical approaches, often bringing together conventional and alternative medicine.

Functional medicine is a science-based system of medicine that focuses on finding the underlying cause of disease with a systems-oriented approach that addresses the whole person. Functional medicine doctors use specific lab tests to identify issues, and work in partnership with patients to develop a course of treatment that takes a holistic view of each unique individual. Like integrative medicine, functional medicine often combines conventional and alternative modes of treatment. 

Read these articles to hear insights and stories about integrative and functional medicine. 

Choosing a Nutrition Expert: Should You See a Nutritionist, Nutrition Coach, Dietitian, or Health Coach?

Choosing a Nutrition Expert: Should You See a Nutritionist, Nutrition Coach, Dietitian, or Health Coach?

As many of us know, the buddy system shouldn’t be underestimated. It’s not that we don’t know what to do, it’s actually doing it that proves to be difficult. Food is so cultural and habitual. Undoing decades of habits (including eating dishes from places we’ve always loved) because of health concerns is a big task for someone to do alone. We looked into a few types of nutrition experts to help you find the person who will optimize your health. Is it a nutritionist? A registered dietitian? A health coach? Watch our guide video to learn more.
Have the Constant Need to Clear Your Throat? What Causes Constant Post-Nasal Drip  and How to Fix It

Have the Constant Need to Clear Your Throat? What Causes Constant Post-Nasal Drip and How to Fix It

It’s a scenario we can probably all relate to: you’re in a quiet room, and you need to clear your throat. But then, you need to do it again. And again. It’s embarrassing, uncomfortable, and — worst of all — could signal an underlying health issue. But constant post-nasal drip is pretty poorly understood, and many people just live with it without thinking twice. Read on to learn what it might mean if you have a constant need to clear your throat, why it matters, and how you can find post-nasal drip relief naturally. 
Myths, Lies, and Truth About Medical Error with Dr. Bobby Price

Myths, Lies, and Truth About Medical Error with Dr. Bobby Price

When Dr. Bobby Price graduated from pharmacy school, he was beyond excited about the career ahead of him. He would be on the forefront of developing new medications, learning about the chemistry and biology of treating disease. He was the National President of the Student Pharmaceutical Association, and worked as a pharmacist at a hospital, a Walmart, and even the U.S. Department of Defense. But then, everything changed. He came face to face with uncomfortable truths about the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, and knew he needed to drastically shift course — so he became a certified plant-based nutritionist, herbalist, exercise physiologist, and author. Read on to learn Dr. Bobby Price’s inspiring journey, the truth about medical error and medical error deaths in the United States, and more.