Here you’ll find articles related to gut health and the microbiome. Your gut is at the core of your health (pun intended!), and so it should come as no surprise that many of our articles touch on the topic. The term microbiome refers to all of the microbes that reside within your body, while your gut refers to your entire digestive tract — all the way from your mouth down to the other end. 

Countless tiny microbes reside in your gut, and the delicate balance of these organisms is central to your body’s ability to function properly. When the balance of bacteria in your microbiome gets thrown off, your gut health suffers, and this has a cascade of effects on your health. Your gut health plays a pivotal role in not only digestion and nutrient absorption, but also immune function, metabolism, mental health, and many other areas.

Read these articles to learn more about the ways that your gut affects your overall well-being, as well as what you can do to support a healthy gut and microbiome.

Have the Constant Need to Clear Your Throat? What Causes Constant Post-Nasal Drip  and How to Fix It

Have the Constant Need to Clear Your Throat? What Causes Constant Post-Nasal Drip and How to Fix It

It’s a scenario we can probably all relate to: you’re in a quiet room, and you need to clear your throat. But then, you need to do it again. And again. It’s embarrassing, uncomfortable, and — worst of all — could signal an underlying health issue. But constant post-nasal drip is pretty poorly understood, and many people just live with it without thinking twice. Read on to learn what it might mean if you have a constant need to clear your throat, why it matters, and how you can find post-nasal drip relief naturally. 
Health Research Wrap-Up: October to December 2020

Health Research Wrap-Up: October to December 2020

Well, it’s finally happening: this seemingly endless year is coming to an end at long last. If you’d told us in January everything this year was going to bring, there’s no way we would have believed you! And yet, here we are. Obviously, wellness news (and all news) this year has been dominated by the coronavirus, and so throughout 2020 we’ve done our best to share the most significant developments in these health research wrap-ups. But, as we’ve said before, your best defense against COVID or any other disease is maintaining good overall health, and many WellBe readers are still struggling with other chronic symptoms and conditions (that might make it harder to fight COVID-19). That's why we think it’s as important as ever to highlight health news and research that’s not COVID-related.