Dr. Robin Berzin Is Making Functional Medicine More Accessible with Parsley Health

Dr. Robin Berzin Is Making Functional Medicine More Accessible with Parsley Health

Dr. Robin Berzin went to med school at Columbia University with the goal of getting a solid, conventional medicine education that she could use to help patients in a non-conventional way. The combo of studying public health in college and seeing her dad’s experience as a primary care doctor showed her that medicine alone wasn’t the solution— that things like yoga, nutrition, meditation, and lifestyle changes needed to be the first line of defense in preventing disease.
Non-toxic Sunscreen Guide: Sunscreen Ingredients to Avoid and Natural Sunscreen Alternatives

Non-toxic Sunscreen Guide: Sunscreen Ingredients to Avoid and Natural Sunscreen Alternatives

There’s perhaps no piece of health (or life) advice more universally accepted than “wear sunscreen.” And yet, it’s actually a whole lot more complicated than that. Sure, sunscreen helps shield you against skin cancer and other harmful effects of the sun, but the truth is that not all sunscreens are created equal — and some might be seriously harmful to your health. In our newest video guide, WellBe investigates.