Meet Adrienne & WellBe
Hi and welcome!
Chances are you ended up here because you’re interested in taking care of your whole body to look and feel great and prevent health issues in the future.
Or you or someone you care about has some kind of health issue that you’re trying to figure out and heal naturally. Or better yet, you have healed a health issue and you know the importance of living a holistic lifestyle to prevent it from coming back.
I’m Adrienne, a board-certified patient advocate, speaker, health researcher, and the founder of WellBe. WellBe and I are dedicated to helping people like you become empowered in your health, both in the 100 choices you make a day that are truly your healthcare, and in the kind of healthcare you use when chronic health issues and illnesses arise so that you can figure out the root cause and allow your body to heal naturally. If you want to learn more about me and my mission, read my story below.
WellBe is dedicated to informing, inspiring, and empowering you in your health so that you can live an incredible life full of joyful experiences, and free of chronic health issues.
At WellBe we believe that…
- Research can be corrupted, but it’s extremely important and proof is powerful. We have a strict research process and care deeply about evidence-based information. You can read more about our research process here.
- Helping enough people like you get and stay well and demand better can change the entire healthcare, food, and consumer products industries. Seem lofty? We don’t think so.
- The body (and mind!) is one interconnected system, not the sum of disconnected parts.
- Integrative medicine and wellness are key to avoiding the messy, broken healthcare system, but wellness can be confusing, overwhelming, and hard to put into action consistently.
Agree with any of this? Start here:
1. Become a WellBe Insider!
The best way for us to help you and stay connected is to make sure you become one of our WellBe Insiders below.
Running a digital company focused on wellness, I try to spend as much time offline as possible. I am on social media (if we’re not connected yet on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube, I love new friends!), but try not to overdo it so our email is the best place to get all our fresh content when it drops, new event and program announcements, special offers, and personal notes I don’t write anywhere else.
Plus, you’ll get a fantastic (and free) copy of an audio guide I created called “How to Feel the Best You’ve Ever Felt and Heal Anything“. It’ll walk you through the 10 things you need to optimize your health and heal anything naturally.
In it, I distill down everything I’ve learned from my own health experiences, my professional career, and the many WellBe stories and experts who have shared their wisdom with me. I can’t wait for you to listen.
2. We have so much for you to read, watch, and listen to!
Depending on why you’re here, certain content might help more than others. Check out our categories of content:
Real stories of health recovery through integrative medicine
Health and wellness expert interviews
Important news and research monthly wrap-ups
WellBe Guides on various topics
My personal blog posts
All of the above on The WellBe Podcast!
3. If you’re interested in going further and would like to explore the WellBe health empowerment tools such as my 1-1 patient advocacy services, online programs, and non-toxic product database, check them out here and see which one is right for you.
4. I’ve written for and been a guest or featured in a variety of publications including MindBodyGreen, Business Insider, Forbes, Psychology Today, Thrive Global, and more, and been a guest on a variety of podcasts including The Dr. Taz Show, Wellness Force Radio, The She Podcast with Jordan Lee Dooley and many more. I am also regularly hired to speak publicly (virtually and in-person). Past engagements include Kate Spade, The Assemblage, Well Summit, She Leads Media Conference, The Johns Hopkins Lyme Disease Institute, and many more. To see my press and media engagements, click here.
Thank you for taking the time to visit. The WellBe team and I will do our very best to help you in every way we can and I’m so excited to have you as part of the WellBe community.
With so much love,
xx Adrienne & Team WellBe
My Story
When I was 11, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. My conventional doctor prescribed antibiotics, but they didn’t work to alleviate my symptoms and my mother was then told there were no other options. She chose a different path. Two years and multiple integrative therapies later, I was Lyme-free.
Over the years, other health issues have come up and each time it became clear that conventional doctors had tools to treat my symptoms, but they never got to the root of the problems, nor did they really try to cure them, and I was lucky enough to find holistic practitioners who did. I’m not shunning conventional healthcare, but I’ve seen its limitations.
In 2010, I lost my mother to suicide while she was on antipsychotic medications to treat schizoaffective disorder. At that point, I knew I needed to completely switch careers and began working for a healthcare technology company, hoping to fix the system from the inside.
After several years working with hospitals, I realized that until wellness and root cause medicine are the standard of care, the current chronic disease crisis would only continue to rise. In 2017, WellBe was born.
I received my BA from Johns Hopkins University, my MBA from the Kellogg School at Northwestern University and my BCPA from the Patient Advocate Certification Board (PACB). I live in New York City with my husband, where I was born and raised. WellBe is my greatest mission and my life’s work.

Work with Adrienne
Adrienne is available for in-person speaking engagements, video and TV appearances, features, and podcast interviews. She also offers 1-1 holistic patient advocacy services and consulting. Click here to join the waitlist.
Work with WellBe
Please also contact us regarding collaboration, sponsorship, and partnership opportunities on social media, our website, podcast, newsletter, and in-person events. Please contact for rates.
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If you’re a brand and would like to be included in the WellBe Non-Toxic Product List database click here